Lounge Range 利用規約
本規約は、「Lounge Range(ラウンジレンジ)」のフランチャイズ本部である株式会社LoungeRange(以下「FC本部」といいます。)またはそのフランチャイズ加盟店もしくは共同事業者が「Lounge Range」の名称で運営するインドアゴルフクラブまたはコンディショニング施設(以下、合わせて「クラブ」といいます。)の利用およびそれに関連・派生するサービスの利用に関して適用されるものとします。第2条(独立運営)
1 クラブは全て、FC本部またはFC本部からLounge Rangeに係る商標等の使用権の許諾を受けたフランチャイズ加盟店もしくは共同事業者(以下「運営事業者」といいます。)が、それぞれ独立した主体として運営するものです。
2 クラブに入会した者(以下「会員」といいます。)および第7条により利用を認められた者は、各クラブの運営主体が各運営事業者であることを了解した上で、クラブを利用するものとします。
3 会員は、クラブごとに、会費、設備およびルール等が異なることを理解します。
1 クラブは会員制とします。
2 クラブに入会しようとするときは、本規約その他運営事業者が定める規則を承諾し、運営事業者所定の入会申込書等(Web上の申込み等電磁的媒体・記録による場合を含み、以下「入会申込書等」といいます。)を提出しなければなりません。
3 前項の入会申込書等を提出し、運営事業者が会員として適切と判断した申込者は、利用契約等の諸契約を締結することにより、クラブへの入会が認められ、クラブの諸施設を利用することができます。
4 会員は、本規約、利用するクラブが入居する施設内の諸規則、その他運営事業者が定める規則を全て遵守しなければなりません。
5 運営事業者が個別に定めた法人会員プランにおける本規約の適用について、会員が個人であることを前提として定められている規定に関しては、「会員」を「当該法人会員プランにおいてクラブの利用を許諾された個人各々」と読み替えるものとします。
1 本規約および利用するクラブの諸規則を遵守できない者
2 入会申込書等に虚偽記載があった者
3 過去または現在において、暴力団もしくは反社会的勢力に属し、またはそれらに属する者と密接な関係を有するとクラブが判断した者
4 18歳未満の者
5 伝染病、その他他人に伝染または感染する恐れのある疾病に罹患している者
6 その他、運営事業者が会員としてふさわしくないと判断した者
1 各クラブの会費および入会金、その他の費用(以下「会費等」といいます。)は、運営事業者が定めるものとします。会員は、会費等がクラブごとに異なることを理解します。
2 会員は、会費等を、運営事業者所定の方法で支払うものとします。
3 会員は、クラブ会費の当月分を前月20日までに支払うものとします。但し、入会時の初回支払時期については別途定めます。
4 会員は、実際のクラブ利用の有無にかかわらず、本規約が定める会費等を全額支払う義務があります。また、支払済みの会費等は、本規約の定めがある場合を除き、返還されません。
5 運営事業者は、会費等の改定を行うことができます。その場合は、適用日の2週間前までに各会員に告知するものとします。
6 会員は、会費等その他各クラブへの債務を支払期日までに履行しない場合には、支払期日の翌日から支払済みまで年14.6%の割合で計算される延滞利息を会費等その他の債務と一括して、運営事業者が指定する方法で支払わなければなりません。その際の振込手数料等の費用は、当該会員の負担とします。
7 運営事業者は、会員が下記行為をおこなった場合には、それぞれ記載のとおりの追加料金を当該会員に請求することができ、会費等と合わせて課金することができるものとします。
(1)自己の会員プランの範囲を超え、規定の利用回数を上回る予約をおこなったとき 超過単価額(インドアゴルフクラブについては税抜10,000円、コンディショニング施設については税抜3,000円とする。以下同じ。)に当該超過回数を乗じた金額。なお、第4号にも該当する場合には同号の金額も加算する。
(2)規定の利用時間を超過してクラブを利用したとき 超過単価額に当該超過回数を乗じた金額。なお、第4号にも該当する場合には同号の金額も加算する。
(3)直前のキャンセルを繰り返した(概ね月間3回以上)とき 月間3回以上のキャンセル回数に超過単価額を乗じた金額。
(4)規定の利用人数を超過してクラブを利用したとき 超過単価額に当該超過人数を乗じた金額。
1 運営事業者は、会員に対し、入退室管理システムのアプリケーションその他クラブ利用のために必要なシステム(以下「セキュリティキー」といいます。)の使用を許諾します。
2 会員がクラブに立ち入る際には、当該会員に許諾されたセキュリティキーを使用するものとし、会員本人がセキュリティキーを使用できない場合は、クラブに立ち入ることはできません。
3 セキュリティキーは、許諾された会員本人または運営事業者が認める使用権限を有する者のみが使用でき、他の者が使用することはできません。
4 会員は、セキュリティキーを第三者に貸与することはできません。但し、運営事業者が別途許諾した場合には、この限りではありません。万一、運営事業者の許諾なくセキュリティキーを貸与した場合は退会処分の対象となります。
5 セキュリティキーにつき紛失、盗難、または破損が生じた場合には、会員は速やかに運営事業者にその旨を届け、具体的な状況を説明しなければなりません。この場合、運営事業者が相当と認めたときは、会員は、セキュリティキーの再発行を受けることができます。
1 運営事業者は、ホームページに記載する会員プランの内容に応じて、会員が同伴することを条件に、1回につき1人から5名を限度として、会員以外の者にクラブ利用を認めます。なお、運営事業者が個別に定める法人会員・プレミアム会員等のプランにおいては、上記と異なる取扱いがされる場合があります。
2 会員以外の者のクラブ利用については、当該利用の基となるプランの会員が責任をもって、これら会員以外の者に対し、本規約その他規則を遵守させ、連帯して一切の責任を負うこととします。
3 第1項またはクラブが別途許諾した場合のほかは、会員以外の者はクラブを利用できません。
1 クラブの利用にあたっては、各クラブに掲示されたルール、慣習上のルール、各クラブの説明および指示に従うこと
2 クラブまたはその施設・敷地内において、物品販売や営業行為、金銭の貸借、勧誘行為、政治活動、無許可のアンケート協力等の依頼行為、署名活動をしないこと
3 同業または競業を目的としたクラブの利用をしないこと
4 刃物等の危険物や、他者または施設・器具を傷つける可能性のある物品をクラブまたはその施設・敷地内へ持ち込まないこと
5 正当な理由なく他者の所持品に触れないこと
6 クラブの利用を認められていない者を同伴させないこと
7 他のクラブ利用者やスタッフを畏怖させる言動をおこなわないこと
8 他のクラブ利用者やスタッフに対し、待ち伏せし、後をつけ、またはみだりに話しかける等の行為をしないこと
9 正当な理由なく、面談、電話、その他の方法でスタッフを拘束する等の迷惑行為をしないこと
10 動物(あらかじめ許諾された介助犬は除く。)を館内に持ち込まないこと
11 他のクラブ利用者のクラブ利用を妨げる行為をしないこと
12 クラブの秩序を乱し、またはその名誉、信用もしくは品位を傷付ける言動をしないこと
1 運営事業者は、次の各号のいずれかに該当する者につき、相当期間の入館の禁止または退場を命じることができます。
2 クラブへの入館禁止中の会員は、当該禁止期間中であっても、会費等の支払義務を免れません。
1 会員は、運営事業者所定の手続きを行った上で、希望する月の月末をもって退会することができます。この手続きは、原則として運営事業者の指定する電磁的方法によるものとし、運営事業者所定の退会フォームに入力をおこない、運営事業者の受領確認をもって退会となります。
2 退会手続は、退会を希望する月の10日までに行うものとし、その場合、当該月の末日をもって退会となります。各月の11日以降に退会手続がとられた場合は、翌月の末日をもって退会となります。
3 本条の退会手続が完了しない間は、クラブの利用がない場合でも通常の会費等が発生します。
4 会費等の未納分がある場合には、第1項の退会手続と同時に完納しなければなりません。
5 会費等は、退会が月の途中であっても、当該月分を全額支払わなければなりません。
1 会員は、入会申込書等に記載した内容に変更があったときは、速やかに運営事業者所定の手続きをもって変更の届け出をしなければなりません。
2 運営事業者から会員への諸通知等は、会員から届け出のあった住所またはメールアドレス等宛に行い、その発送をもって効力を有するものとし、未達または延着等の場合でも、運営事業者は発送後の責を負いません。
1 運営事業者は、会員が次の各号のいずれかに該当するときは、当該会員をクラブから強制的に退会させること(以下「退会処分」といいます。)ができます。
2 退会処分となった会員は、当該処分時から、全ての「Lounge Range」を利用することができません。
3 退会処分となった会員に対しては、運営事業者は、前納分または既払分の会費等があっても、これらを返還することはいたしません。
4 退会処分を受けた会員は、将来にわたり期間の定めなく、全ての「Lounge Range」を再び利用することはできません。
1 会員は、次の各号の場合には、自動的にその会員資格を喪失します。
2 前項第2号および第3号の場合には、資格喪失日の属する月の会費等につき、日割計算の上精算するものとします。
1 運営事業者は、次の各号の場合には、クラブ施設の全部または一部の利用を制限することがあります。当該制限がなされた場合でも、別に定める場合を除き、会員の会費等の支払義務に変更はありません。
2 前項の場合、事前にその旨をクラブまたはクラブのホームページ等にて告示します。 但し、緊急を要する場合はこの限りではありません。
1 運営事業者は、次の各号の場合には、クラブ施設の全部または一部を閉鎖、もしくは変更することがあります。
2 クラブ施設の閉鎖・変更の場合でも、運営事業者が別に定める場合を除き、会員の会費等の支払義務が縮減または停止されることはなく、運営事業者は、会員に対し、特別の補償は行いません。
1 クラブまたはその施設・敷地内(駐車場を含む)で発生した紛失、盗難、傷害、破損その他事故について、運営事業者は、その故意または重過失による場合を除き、一切の責任を負いません。
2 会員および本規約上クラブ利用を許諾された者は、自己の責に帰すべき事由により運営事業者または第三者に損害を与えた場合には、 速やかにその賠償責任を果たさなければなりません。
3 会員は、同伴者の責に帰すべき事由により発生した損害についても、その同伴者と連帯して賠償責任を負わなければなりません。
1 FC本部は、本規約、細則、利用規定、その他クラブの運営、管理に関する事項を改定することができます。
2 運営事業者は、自己が運営するクラブの運営、管理に関する事項を改定することができます。
3 前2項により改定された事項については、特段の定めがある場合を除き、改定日から全ての会員に適用されます。
本契約は、日本語を正文とする。 本契約につき、参考のために英語による翻訳文が作成された場合でも、日本語の正文のみが契約としての効力を有するものとし、英語訳文にはいかなる効力も有しないものとする。 本規約は2020年6月18日より発効します。 改訂:2021年4月3日 改訂:2021年6月7日 改訂:2021年7月8日 改訂:2021年9月20日 改訂:2022年2月20日 改訂:2022年3月22日 改訂:2022年7月25日 改訂:2023年3月2日 改訂:2024年2月3日 改訂:2024年5月13日 改訂:2024年12月17日契約ロッカー 使用規約
1 インドアゴルフクラブ「Lounge Range」(以下「クラブ」といいます。)の会員は、クラブの定めに従ってWEB上から申し込みを行い、それに対してクラブが承諾することにより、契約ロッカーの使用契約を成立させ、契約ロッカーの使用を開始することができます。
2 契約ロッカーを使用する会員(以下「使用者」といいます。)はこの規約を守らなければなりません。
3 クラブは、使用者に対し、ロッカーとしてのスペースをお貸しするものであり、使用者の所有物等をクラブが保管・お預かり・管理するものではありません。使用者はロッカーの施錠その他必要な措置を厳に行い、自己の責任において、収納、保管物の管理を行ってください。
1 契約ロッカー使用料はクラブの会費とは別に定めます。なお、当該使用料の消費税等は使用者の負担とします。
2 契約ロッカー新規契約時に、クラブが定める契約ロッカー使用料をお支払いいただきます。
3 契約ロッカー使用料の金額、支払時期、支払方法等については、クラブが定めるものとします。
1 鍵で施錠する契約ロッカーの場合、使用者に契約ロッカーの鍵を貸与しますので、各自で大切に保管してください。
2 使用者は、前項により貸与された鍵を第三者に貸与することはできません。
3 ダイヤル式の鍵で施錠する契約ロッカーの場合、使用者は、ダイヤル番号等を第三者に開示せず、秘密保持に努めなければなりません。
1 契約ロッカーの契約者はクラブの会員に限ります。
2 契約ロッカーは、使用者本人のみが使用できるものとし、他人への譲渡、貸与、名義変更をすることはできません。
3 使用者がクラブの会員資格を失った場合は、契約期間の有無にかかわらず、契約ロッカーの使用資格も失います。
1 契約終了日までに契約ロッカー内に収納する物品をお引き取り下さい。
2 契約終了後、物品をお引取り頂けない場合、第6条第3号に従い処置いたします。
3 使用者は、第3条第1項によりクラブから鍵を貸与されていた場合、契約終了日までにクラブに対して、当該鍵を返還しなければなりません。返還できない場合は第4条を準用します。
1 クラブは、契約ロッカー内に保管された物の紛失・盗難等につき、一切責任を負いません。ただし、クラブの故意または重過失による場合はこの限りではありません。
2 使用者が契約ロッカーの使用によりクラブまたは第三者に損害を与えた場合は、使用者がその賠償の責任を負うものとします。
本契約は、日本語を正文とする。 本契約につき、参考のために英語による翻訳文が作成された場合でも、日本語の正文のみが契約としての効力を有するものとし、英語訳文にはいかなる効力も有しないものとする。 本規約は2024年4月4日より発効します。Lounge Range Terms of Use
Article 1 (Scope of Application)
These Terms and Conditions shall apply to LoungeRange, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “FC HQ”), its franchisees or joint venturers operating under the name “Lounge Range” (hereinafter referred to as “Club”), and the use of services related or derived therefrom.Article 2 (Independent Operation)
1. All Clubs are operated by FC HQ or franchisees or joint venturers who have been licensed by FC HQ to use the trademark and other rights pertaining to Lounge Range (hereinafter referred to as “Operator”), each of which is operated as an independent entity.
2. Those who have joined the Club (hereinafter referred to as “Members”) and those who are permitted to use a club in accordance with Article 7 shall use a club with the understanding that each Operating Entity is the operating entity of each club.
3. Members understand that each Club has different membership fees, facilities, and rules.
Article 3 (Membership System)
1. Clubs shall have a membership system.
2. When a member wishes to join a club, the member must agree to these Terms and Conditions and other rules stipulated by the Operator, and submit a membership application form and other documents prescribed by the Operator including the “Membership Application Form” where the application is made via electromagnetic media or recorded on the Web, etc.
3. Applicants who have submitted the Membership Application Form, etc. as specified in the preceding paragraph, and who are deemed appropriate as members by the Operator, shall be admitted to membership in the Club and may use the Club’s facilities by concluding various agreements, such as the Usage Agreement.
4. Members must comply with this Agreement, the rules and regulations of the facility occupied by the Club they use, and all other rules and regulations stipulated by the Operator.
5. With regard to the application of this agreement to corporate membership plans individually determined by the Operator, “Member” shall be read as “each individual who is authorized to use the Club under the relevant corporate membership plan” with regard to provisions stipulating that the Member is an individual.
Article 4 (Membership Eligibility)
No person who falls under any of the following categories may become a member of the Club.1. Those who are unable to comply with this Agreement and the rules and regulations of the Club used.
2. Those who have made false statements on the membership application form, etc.
3. Those who the Club deems to have belonged to or to be closely associated with organized crime groups or antisocial forces in the past or at present.
4. Persons under 18 years of age
5. Those who are suffering from contagious diseases or other diseases that may be contagious or infectious to others.
6. Any other person who is deemed by the operator to be unsuitable as a member.
Article 5 (Membership Fees and Admission Fees, etc.)
1. The membership fee, admission fee, and other expenses (hereinafter referred to as “Membership Fee, etc.”) for each club shall be determined by the Operator. Members understand that Membership Fees, etc. may vary from club to club.
2. Members shall pay the Membership Fees, etc. in the manner prescribed by the Operator.
3. Members shall pay the current month’s club membership fee by the 20th of the previous month. However, the timing of the first payment at the time of admission to membership shall be determined separately.
4. Members are obligated to pay the full amount of the membership fee, etc. as stipulated in this Agreement, regardless of whether or not they actually use the Club. Membership fees already paid shall not be refunded, except as otherwise stipulated in this Agreement.
5. The Operator may revise the membership fee, etc. In such cases, the Operator shall notify each member at least two weeks prior to the effective date.
6. If a member fails to pay the membership fee or other obligations to the respective clubs by the due date, the member shall pay the membership fee and other obligations together with interest on the overdue amount calculated at the rate of 14.6% per annum from the day following the due date until paid, in a lump sum, by the method specified by the Operator. Any transfer fees or other costs incurred in such payment shall be borne by the relevant member.
7. The Operator may charge the member additional fees as described in each of the following cases in which the member engages in any of the following acts, and may charge such additional fees in addition to the membership fee, etc
(1) When a member exceeds the scope of his/her membership plan and makes more reservations than the stipulated number of times he/she can use the service. Excess unit price (10,000 yen excluding tax for indoor golf clubs and 3,000 yen excluding tax for conditioning facilities. The same shall apply hereinafter) (ii) The amount obtained by multiplying the excess unit price (10,000 yen excluding tax for indoor golf clubs and 3,000 yen excluding tax for conditioning facilities) by the number of such excess times. If item 4 also applies, the amount of the same item shall be added.
(2) When a member uses the club for a period exceeding the specified hours of use. The amount obtained by multiplying the excess unit price by the number of times the excess has been paid. If item 4 also applies, the amount in item 4 shall also be added.
(3) Repeated last-minute cancellations (generally 3 or more times per month). The amount obtained by the number of cancellations over 3 times per month multiplied by the excess unit price.
(4) When the number of users exceeds the number of members specified in the regulations. The amount obtained by multiplying the excess unit price by the number of excess users.
Article 6 (Access Control System)
1. The Operator grants to Members use of the access control system application and other systems necessary for use of the Club (hereinafter referred to as “Security Keys”).
2. When a Member enters the Club, the Member shall use the Security Key authorized for that Member, and if the Member is unable to use the Security Key himself/herself, the Member may not enter the Club.
3. The security key may only be used by the authorized member or a person authorized to use it by the Operator, and may not be used by any other person.
4. Members may not lend their security keys to third parties. However, this shall not apply in cases where the Operator has separately granted permission. In the unlikely event that a member lends a security key without the Operator’s permission, the member shall be subject to termination of membership.
5. In the event that a security key is lost, stolen, or damaged, the member shall promptly notify the Operator of such loss, theft, or damage and explain the specific circumstances. In such a case, if the Operator deems it appropriate, the member may have the security key reissued.
Article 7 (Use of the Club by Non-members)
1. The Operator permits non-members to use the Club on the condition that they are accompanied by a member, with a limit of one to five non-members per visit, depending on the membership plan described on the website. The above treatment may differ for plans such as corporate members and premium members, which are determined individually by the Operator.
2. The members of the plan under which the non-member is using the Club are responsible for ensuring that the non-member complies with the Terms and Conditions and other rules, and are jointly and severally liable for any and all use of the Club by non-members.
3. Unless otherwise permitted by Paragraph 1 or the Club, non-members may not use the Club.
Article 8 (Change of Membership Plan)
If a member wishes to change his/her membership plan, he/she shall complete the prescribed procedure at his/her club by the 10th of the month preceding the month in which he/she wishes to change. In such case, the plan will be changed from the first day of the following month.Article 9 (Compliance)
In addition to the matters separately stipulated in this Agreement, Members must comply with the following items.1. To follow the rules posted at each club, customary rules, and the explanations and instructions of each club when using the clubs.
2. No sales of goods, business activities, money lending, solicitation, political activities, requests for cooperation in unauthorized surveys, etc., or signature activities at the Club or its facilities or premises.
3. Not to use the Club for the purpose of competing with or in the same business.
4. Not to bring dangerous items such as knives, or items that may damage others or the facilities or equipment into the Club or its facilities or premises.
5. Not to touch the belongings of others without a valid reason.
6. Not to be accompanied by persons who are not authorized to use the Club.
7. Not to behave in a manner that frightens other club users or staff.
8. Not to ambush, follow, or talk to other club users or staff.
9. Not to engage in disruptive behavior such as holding up staff members in person, by telephone, or by any other means without justifiable reason.
10. Not to bring animals (except for pre-approved service dogs) into the building.
11. Not to engage in any conduct that interferes with the use of the club by other club users.
12. Not to engage in any conduct or behavior that disrupts the order of the club or damages its honor, credibility, or dignity.
Article 10 (Prohibition of Entry and Exit)
1. The Operator may prohibit a person who falls under any of the following items from entering the Club for a reasonable period of time or order such person to leave the Club.
(1) Those who violate these Rules and Regulations or the rules and regulations of the respective clubs.
(2) Those who lack the membership qualifications stipulated in Article 4, or those who have come to lack such qualifications after becoming a member.
(3) Persons who are deemed by the operator to be in poor health, using drugs, or otherwise unable to use the facilities normally.
(4) Those whose body or clothing is deemed by the Operator to be extremely unclean and offensive to third parties such as other members.
(5) Persons who enter the facility without using a security key without the consent of the Operator.
(6) Persons who allow non-members to enter the facility without following the procedures of this Agreement and persons who enter the facility
(7) Any person who fails to pay the membership fee.
(8) In addition to the above, persons who are deemed appropriate by the Operator to be prohibited from entering the Club or ordered to leave the Club.
2. Members who are prohibited from entering the Club shall not be exempted from the obligation to pay the membership fee, etc., even during the period of such prohibition.
Article 11 (Withdrawal from Membership)
1. Members may cancel their membership at the end of the month in which they wish to become members by following the procedures specified by the Operator. In principle, this procedure shall be carried out by electromagnetic means designated by the Operator, and the member shall fill in the withdrawal form designated by the Operator, and upon confirmation of receipt by the Operator, the membership will be cancelled.
2. The withdrawal procedure shall be completed by the 10th of the month in which the member wishes to cancel the membership, in which case the member shall cancel the membership on the last day of the month. If the withdrawal procedure is taken after the 11th of each month, the membership will be cancelled on the last day of the following month.
3. While the withdrawal procedure is not completed, regular membership fees will accrue even if the member does not use the club.
4. Any unpaid dues, if any, must be paid in full at the same time as the withdrawal procedure in Paragraph 1.
5. Membership fees must be paid in full for the month in question, even if the withdrawal occurs in the middle of the month.
Article 12 (Transfer)
A member may transfer to a club from the first day of the following month upon completing the procedures prescribed by the Operator by the 10th day of the month prior to the month in which the member wishes to transfer.Article 13 (Suspension)
Club membership shall not be suspended.Article 14 (Notification, etc.)
1. Members must promptly notify the Operator of any changes to the information provided on the membership application form, etc., in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the Operator.
2. Notices, etc. from the Operator to members shall be sent to the address or e-mail address provided by the member, and shall be effective upon delivery, and the Operator shall not be held responsible for any undelivered or delayed delivery.
Article 15 (Expulsion of Membership)
1. The Operator may forcibly terminate the membership of a member from the Club if the member falls under any of the following items (hereinafter referred to as “Expulsion of Membership”).
(1) If the member does not comply with this Agreement (including, but not limited to, Article 9) and the various rules and regulations.
(2) When a member commits an act that violates laws, regulations, ordinances, or public order and morals, whether inside or outside the club, and is judged to have the potential to affect the operation of the club.
(3) When it is found that the applicant lacks the qualifications for membership as stipulated in Article 4, or if the applicant becomes deficient after becoming a member (including false declaration at the time of admission to membership or willful failure to declare important facts related to membership qualifications).
(4) When a member is two months or more in arrears of membership fees, etc.
(5) When a member has behaved in a manner unbecoming a member and improvement is not expected.
2. Members who have been expelled from membership may not use any Lounge Range services from the time of expulsion.
3. The Operator will not refund any prepaid or already-paid membership fees to a member who has been terminated.
4. Members who have been terminated will not be able to use all Lounge Ranges again in the future for an indefinite period of time.
Article 16 (Disqualification)
1. A member will automatically lose his/her membership in the following cases.
(1) Withdrawal or expulsion of membership
(2) Death or dissolution of the corporation
(3) When the club is closed.
2. In the case of items 2 and 3 of the preceding paragraph, the membership fee for the month in which the disqualification date occurs shall be prorated and settled.
Article 17 (Prohibition of Transfer of Membership, etc.)
A member may not transfer, lend, or change the name of his/her membership to another person, nor may he/she pledge or otherwise offer his/her membership as collateral.Article 18 (Business Days and Hours)
The business days and hours of the Club shall be determined separately. However, the Club’s business days and hours are subject to change without prior notice due to weather disasters or other reasons.Article 19 (Restrictions on Use of Club Facilities)
1. The Operator may restrict the use of all or part of the Club facilities in the following cases. In the event of such restrictions, the obligation of members to pay membership fees, etc. shall remain unchanged, except as otherwise provided.
(1) When it is deemed difficult to operate due to weather, disasters, etc.
(2) When facilities and equipment are inspected, repaired, or renovated.
(3) When enactment, amendment, or repeal of laws and regulations, administrative guidance, significant changes in socioeconomic conditions, or other unavoidable reasons occur.
(4) When the operator deems it necessary to close the facility for other reasons.
2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, prior notice will be given to that effect at the club or on the club’s website. However, this does not apply to cases of emergency.
Article 20 (Closure or Alteration of Club Facilities)
1. The operator may close or change all or part of the club facilities in the following cases
(1) When it is deemed impossible to operate due to weather, disaster, etc.
(2) When there are unavoidable circumstances such as the enactment, amendment, or abolition of laws and regulations, administrative guidance, significant changes in social and economic conditions, or other circumstances that are unavoidable for the management of the club.
2. Even in the event of the closure or change of club facilities, the obligation of members to pay membership fees, etc. will not be reduced or suspended, and the Operator will not provide any special compensation to members, unless otherwise specified by the Operator.
Article 21 (Liability for Damages)
1. The Operator shall not be liable for any loss, theft, injury, damage, or other accident occurring at the Club or its facilities or premises (including parking lots), except in cases of intentional or gross negligence.
2. Members and other persons authorized to use the Club under these Rules and Regulations shall promptly compensate the Operator or any third party for any damage caused by any reason attributable to them.
3. Members shall also be jointly and severally liable with their companions for any damage caused by reasons attributable to their companions.
Article 22 (Notice and Advance Notice)
Notices or advance notice regarding the Terms and Conditions shall be given by posting in a designated area of the Club or by electronic mail or other electromagnetic means.Article 23 (Revision of this Agreement and other rules)
1. FC HQ may revise this Agreement, the Bylaws, the Rules of Use, and other matters related to the operation and management of the Club.
2. The Operator may revise matters related to the operation and management of the clubs it operates.
3. Unless otherwise stipulated, matters revised in accordance with the preceding two paragraphs shall apply to all members from the date of revision.
Article 24 (Court of Jurisdiction)
In the event that a lawsuit is necessary between a member and the Operator with respect to this Agreement or the use of the Club, the Tokyo District Court shall be the court of exclusive jurisdiction for the first hearing of such lawsuit.Article 25 (Language)
The solo and only governing language of this Agreement shall be Japanese. If an English translation hereof is made for reference purpose, only the Japanese version shall be regarded as original and have the effect of a contract and such English translation shall have no legal effect. These Terms and Conditions are effective as of June 18, 2020. Revised: April 3, 2021 Revised: June 7, 2021 Revised: July 8, 2021 Revised: September 20, 2021 Revised: February 20, 2022 Revised: March 22, 2022 Revised: July 25, 2022 Revised: March 2, 2023 Revised: February 3, 2024 Revised: May 13, 2024 Revised: December 17, 2024Contract Locker Terms of Use
Article 1 (Contract)
1. Members of the indoor golf club “Lounge Range” (hereinafter referred to as the “Club”) shall apply for the use of the contracted lockers on the website in accordance with the provisions of the Club. Members of the Club can make a contract for the use of a contract locker and start using the contract locker by submitting an application on the website in accordance with the provisions of the Club and the Club’s acceptance of such application.
2. Members who use the contracted lockers (hereinafter referred to as “user”) must abide by the terms and conditions of this agreement.
3. The Club rents the locker space to the User, and the Club does not store, keep, or manage the User’s belongings. The User shall strictly lock the lockers and take other necessary measures, and shall be responsible for the storage and management of the User’s belongings.
Article 2 (Usage Fees)
1. The fee for the use of contracted lockers shall be determined separately from the Club’s membership fee. Consumption tax, etc. on such fees shall be borne by the user.
2. The user shall pay the contracted locker usage fee determined by the Club when signing a new contract for a contracted locker.
3. The amount, time of payment, payment method, etc. of the contract locker rental fee shall be determined by the Club.
Article 3 (Lending and Storage of Keys)
1. In the case of contracted lockers that are locked with a key, the key to the contracted locker will be lent to the user, who must keep it in his/her own safekeeping.
2. The user may not lend the key lent in accordance with the preceding paragraph to a third party.
3. In the case of a contract locker that is locked with a dial key, the user shall not disclose the dial number, etc. to any third party and shall endeavor to maintain confidentiality.
Article 4 (Replacement of Key)
In the case of a locker that is locked with a key, if the Member loses the key, the Member must immediately notify the Club and bear the cost of replacing the key (including the cost of the key and its labor).Article 5 (Items that cannot be stored)
The contracted lockers may be used only for the purpose of storing golf clubs, shoes, change of clothes, etc. Therefore, the following items may not be stored.(1) Hazardous materials that are volatile, explosive, or flammable
(2) Items that have decayed or emit a foul odor
(3) Living creatures
(4) Cash, valuables, credit cards, or similar expensive items
(5) Other items other than those for the purposes described above.
Article 6 (Removal of Stored Items)
The Club may, at its discretion, open the Contract Locker and store, dispose of, or take other necessary measures with the stored items in the Contract Locker without notifying the User, if any of the following applies, or is suspected to apply.(1) When any of the items listed in the preceding article are or are suspected to be stored in the contract locker.
(2) When the Club receives an investigation of the articles from the relevant government or municipal office, and is requested to confiscate them or submit them as evidence.
(3) When it falls under Article 9, Section 2.
(4) When the Club deems it necessary for other reasons.
Article 7 (Eligibility for Use)
1. Contract locker subscribers must be members of the Club.
2. The contracted locker may be used only by the user, and may not be transferred, lent, or renamed to another person.
3. If the user loses his/her club membership, the user also loses the right to use the contracted locker, regardless of whether the contract is for the contract period or not.
Article 8 (Cancellation of Contract)
If the User wishes to cancel the contracted locker, the User shall notify the Club by the 10th of the current month, in which case the contract will be cancelled at the end of the month. If the request for cancellation is made after the 11th of each month, the contract will be terminated on the last day of the following month.Article 9 (Handling after the contract termination date)
1. Please pick up the items stored in the contracted locker by the contract end date.
2. If the user does not pick up the items after the end of the contract, the user shall be dealt with in accordance with Article 6, Item 3.
3. If the user has been lent a key by the club in accordance with Article 3.1, the user must return the key to the club by the end of the contract. If the key cannot be returned, Article 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Article 10 (Liability for Damages)
1. The Club shall not be liable for any loss or theft of items stored in the contracted locker. However, the Club shall not be held liable for any loss or theft of items stored in the contracted lockers, unless such loss or theft is caused by the intentional or gross negligence of the Club.
2. The User shall be responsible for any damage caused to the Club or a third party as a result of the User’s use of the contracted lockers.